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Showing posts with label psoriasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psoriasis. Show all posts

Monday, 6 February 2017

This is All You Need to Treat Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis and Other Skin Allergies

Posted by V-PSor Psoriasis cream at 00:44 0 Comments

Taking into consideration all herbs and plants out there, aloevera is something you sure need in your home.

Unlike some other plants, it has the widest range of uses, from burns and cuts to cancer. Many of you are probably well aware of its benefits, but there are many more uses the world has not heard of yet.

Treat eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin allergies

1. Remove your make up. Aloevera acts as a cooling agent and soothes skin.

2. The best hair conditioner. Apply some aloevera gel on your hair and massage it gently. Leave it on for 2 minutes and rinse.

3. Add aloevera to your shampoo for a shiny hair.

4. Treat acne. Aloevera reduces inflammation and treats acne, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Its regenerative properties will help you prevent and remove stretch marks.

6. Soothe swollen gums and strengthen your body’s defensive mechanisms. Apply aloevera to the affected area.

7. Stimulate hair growth. Aloevera contains an enzyme that boosts hair growth.

8. Treat brittle nails.

9. Aloevera is efficient in the treatment of herpes, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin allergies. It penetrates deep in the skin.

10. Skin moisturizer. Aloevera provides oxygen to the cells and strengthens skin tissue.

11. Aloevera has strong antiseptic properties. Use it to heal sunburns.

12. It gives you a nice and smooth surface, which makes it a good shaving gel.

13. Use aloevera to fight flu and colds. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

14. Drink aloe vera juice to relieve menstrual cramps. It will also reduce pain and fatigue.

15. Lubricant. Aloe vera is a great moisturizer.

Source: - healtharticle247.info

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The New Secret Weapon to Fight Psoriasis Naturally

Posted by V-PSor Psoriasis cream at 00:13 0 Comments
psoriasis cream - vpsor

Psoriasis is a chronic disease of your immune system that causes cells to build up on the surface of your skin, leading to thick, red, scaly patches that are very itchy and sometimes painful. Up to 7.5 million Americans suffer from the disease, which has a surprisingly significant economic impact as well.

A new study in JAMA Dermatology reported that direct US healthcare costs related to psoriasis may be up to $63 billion a year.1 There were also indirect costs (such as loss of work hours) of up to $35 billion and another $35 billion in costs related to associated health problems, like heart disease and depression.

Taken together, the researchers found the annual US cost of psoriasis amounted to approximately $112 billion in 2013.
Psoriasis Is More Than a Superficial Skin Condition
Although psoriasis appears as a skin condition, it is actually an autoimmune disease. Part of the reaction occurs when a type of white blood cell called a T cell mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells.

These overactive T cells then trigger other immune responses that collectively speed up the growth cycle of skin cells, causing them to move to the outermost layer of your skin in a matter of days rather than weeks.

Because the dead skin cannot be removed quickly enough, it builds up into the thick patches characteristic of psoriasis. For up to 60 percent of people with psoriasis, the condition seriously impacts their daily life.

Your skin may become so inflamed that it cracks and bleeds. Up to 30 percent of sufferers also develop psoriatic arthritis, which can cause debilitating joint damage.

People with psoriasis are also at an increased risk of numerous other chronic diseases, including eye conditions, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. And then there is the psychological repercussions.2

Those who aren’t familiar with psoriasis may view it as a contagious rash, and as a result people with psoriasis may be shunned or excluded socially. People with psoriasis often suffer from depression, low self-esteem, social isolation and problems at work, which may lead to a lower income.3

Read More about Visit complete-health-and-happiness.com

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How to Get Glowing Skin When You Have Psoriasis.

Posted by V-PSor Psoriasis cream at 01:34 1 Comment

Dr. Carolyn Jacob treats psoriasis in her patients, but she also manages her own psoriasis. Here, she spills her secrets for healthy, clear skin.

Carolyn Jacob, MD, director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, doesn’t just treat patients with psoriasis - she manages her own. Dr. Jacob has been living with Psoriasis since she was 14 years old.

Jacob’s psoriasis primarily affects her scalp and nails, both of which can be tough to hide. “I hated it when I had scalp involvement, which would show flakes on my clothing and itch constantly,” Jacob says.

Embarrassed about her nail psoriasis, Jacob used to paint them a color that would mask her symptoms. The National Psoriasis Foundation says that about half of all people with psoriasis will have symptoms affecting the nails, which can include changes in color, thickening of the nails, separation of the nail, and the formation of pits or holes.

For healthy skin, Jacob knows she has to keep her skin clear and moisturized as much as possible. 
Other daily psoriasis treatment tips that Jacob offers her patients and practices herself include:

·         Cleanse and moisturize your skin just once daily to avoid drying.
·         Use a soft cloth or your hands to lather up with cleanser; never use a loofah on skin that’s actively flaring because the rubbing and scratching could worsen symptoms.
·         If you have psoriasis on your face, Jacob advises against using harsh toners because they can be aggravating.
·         During the frigid Chicago winters, Jacob switches to a cream or moisturizing cream from a lighter lotion because it’s more hydrating for thirsty winter skin.
·         For scalp psoriasis, she recommends over-the-counter favorites like Psoriasis Cream, or those containing salicylic acid, for something stronger.

Monday, 4 April 2016

How psoriasis is diagnosed?

Posted by V-PSor Psoriasis cream at 01:48 0 Comments
Psoriasis is often diagnosed by a dermatological or primary care physician by its characteristic appearance and locations on the body. If a person has the skin changes typical of psoriasis, a diagnosis can be made clinically by examination alone, based on the skin’s appearance due to psoriasis, a physician will usually be able to diagnose psoriasis and being treating the skin immediately.

If person looks different than most cases, appears in an unusual location, further test may be needed. The definitive test when a clinical diagnosis of skin disease is a skin biopsy. Usually one test is required, but it may be repeated if the results are not clear or the disease changes over time. No blood test exists to diagnose psoriasis, and psoriasis does not cause abnormal blood tests for most people. The most common reason to draw blood when treating people for psoriasis is to make sure it is safe to begin a new medication or to watch for a medicine’s possible side effects.

The evaluation of psoriatic arthritis may include X-ray, joint tests, and blood panels to look for other causes of arthritis.

Patient should be encouraged to expose maximum to sunlight and avoid trauma during the active phase.
Homeopathic treatment of psoriasis – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach.
This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat psoriasis but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned; several well-proved remedies are available for psoriasis treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the psoriasis. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Few important remedies for the homeopathic treatment of psoriasis are given below :
·   Arsenic Album – excellent psoriasis remedy in which psoriasis, worse by cold application and wetness, better by warmth.

·   Sulphur – great psoriasis remedy helpful in so many other skin manifestations also

·   Kali Brom – remarkable psoriasis remedy in which there is syphilitic psoriasis. Skin cold, blue, spotted corrugated, large, indolent, painful pustules.

·   Kali Ars – Kali Ars is a very well proved psoriasis remedy with patches on back, arms and spreading from elbows; scaly itches, scaling off leaves behind red skin.

·   Thyrodinum – one of the best psoriasis remedy for chilly and anemic subjects. Dry impoverished skin; cold hands and feet

 ·  Radium Brom –  psoriasis of penis, itching eruptions on face oozing, Patchy  erythema on forehead

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

What is psoriasis of the skin?

Posted by V-PSor Psoriasis cream at 02:07 0 Comments
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. These patches normally appear on your elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, but can appear anywhere on your body. Most people are only affected with small patches. In some cases, the patches can be itchy or sore.

Environmental factors

In around 2 – 3 % of the overall population suffering from psoriasis, there is an environmental factor to blame for the activation of the gene responsible for this condition. Although the triggers of psoriasis may differ from person to person, some of the well-known environmental factors leading to this skin disease are – 

1. Stress 

2. Viral or bacterial infection  

3. Skin injury (insect bites, cuts, burns, etc.) 

4 Exposure to the sun 

 5. Medications (beta blockers, antimalarials and lithium drugs) 

VPsoriasis is characterized by itching of the skin, redness and scales all over the body and in some cases infected nails. It is necessary to know about the condition and treat it immediately to prevent the further worsening of the condition and lead a normal life.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes skin to flake off leading to skin redness and irritation. Most people with psoriasis have thick, reddened skin with flaky, silvery patches called scales.

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